Year 7 Indoor Rounders


Year 7 have had some great PE sessions recently playing indoor rounders. This variation of the game uses a large soft ball. This helps all pupils to participate and improve their skills in a safe learning environment.

The coaching started off with Mr. Lee reminding Year 7 about the rules. This can be quite a technical game with the batting side loading up the bases. The bowlers also need to decide when to vary the speed or height of their bowling pitch.

Additional rules were added to indoor variation of rounders. A player is given out if the large soft ball hits them whilst they are running. Mr. Lee explained that this means that the runners need to make a calculation: have they got sufficient time to run to the safety mat and remain in the game?

Year 7 have made some great progress across the PE curriculum as we come towards the close of the summer term. The aim has been to help improve the skills and confidence of the pupils. Playing sport with large soft balls helps to achieve this.







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