Year 8 English Recording


Year 8 have produced some thoughtful written work and art work based on our current class reading book The Firework Maker’s Daughter. This is a story that describes how a young girl comes to terms with the sad loss of her mother.


Character profiles of the two main characters have been written. The teaching staff have asked the Year 8 pupils to think about the personality of the characters, their role in the story, and what their dream job might be.


The Firework Maker’s Daughter contains many new vocabulary words for the pupils. Other work has involved the students using the school dictionaries to come up with a suitable definition for some of these new words. These include: rebuked, shimmering, harvest, talent and apprentice.

Finally we have asked the Year 8 pupils to design and name their own special firework. The teaching staff wanted to know about some of the special features that their firework might have, and to incorporate these into the drawings.







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