Year 9 Poetry and Punctuation


Year 9 have been working on ways in which to improve the poetry that they have been writing during recent English lessons. The pupils have been asked to consider how punctuation can be used to help make their poetry sound exciting.


Examples include the use of commas, speech marks, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. We have looked at each of these types of punctuation, and discussed where it is appropriate to include them in our work.


A selection of sentences were given to the pupils. These all contained very poor punctuation. Year 9 were asked to write the sentences in their books, and then think of ways in which punctuation could be added to make the sentences have a stronger impact.


This work was backed up with plenty of adult support. The students were asked to explain their choices to adults, and then to read out the new sentence to see how it sounds with the added punctuation.

Some of the pupils were then able to develop this work a stage further. Pronouns were introduced. It was explained that these are words that takes the place of a noun. The students completed a worksheet that involved them identifying the pronoun in a selection of sentences.