Welcome Assembly with Mrs Adams


All Lansdowne School pupils were welcomed back for the new term of teaching with a special assembly led by Executive Headteacher Mrs Adams. The main theme of the assembly was to set the high expectations that all staff have for the students as we continue to make progress within our close community of learners.

Mrs Adams started the assembly by welcoming the new Year 7 pupils. The question was put to the rest of the assembly about how we can make our new friends feel welcome and safe at Lansdowne School.

Some of the suggestions that came back included being kind and helpful, saying nice things to the new pupils and helping them if they might be lost. Mrs Adams explained how starting a secondary school can be very different to a primary school experience.

The assembly then moved on to think about the idea of responsibility. Mrs Adams outlined some of the many achievements that the Lansdowne School Council has managed to put in place in a short period of time. These include designing the new school uniform, implementing a rewards based scheme for learning and setting up charitable work.

Mrs Adams encouraged all students to take an interest in the School Council as this is a very powerful organisation. All pupils were encouraged to speak with their Class Councillors before the weekly Friday meetings.

Other school roles with responsibilities were then spoken about by Mrs Adams. These include School Prefects and Monitors. The staff are currently looking for excellent role models to help fill these positions.

Finally the first assembly of the new school term came to a close with a reminder of the school day routine, and then a picture presentation of the new school building. The Lansdowne landscape has changed at a tremendous pace over the summer break. The pupils enjoyed seeing some of the photos of the building work that has taken place.

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