Year 8 Shape Poems Podcasts


The Year 8 students at Lansdowne School have completed some highly imaginative shape poems. The idea is for the pupils to select a shape of an animal or an object, and then to compose a piece of poetry that describes their selection. Examples include dinosaurs, fish, a lightening bolt, a love heart and a balloon.

This exercise required creative skills for the poetry, as well as some advance planning in making sure that our words could fit into our chosen shapes. The Year 8 pupils were also asked to try and add a personal touch to their poetry.

Plenty of descriptive words were also added. The pupils thought about how the chosen shape might make them feel. Some original ideas were produced. One of these involved a friendly dinosaur being invited to a party!

Year 8 then thought about the delivery of their shape poems. The teaching staff wanted the pupils to think about how they could perform their poems with plenty of confidence. You can listen to a selection of these being read out in the recordings below.









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