Year 9 Put PE Hockey Skills into Practice with Game

Year 9 are improving their hockey skills during our PE lessons. Mr Lee is working with the pupils to help them use some key skills. This includes using both hands to control the hockey stick.

One of the work stations set up in the school gym helped to improve our ball dribbling skills. The pupils dribbled around a set of cones during a timed period.

Passing speed was another key skill. Pairs of pupils counted how many passes they could complete during a one minute period. Mr Lee asked the players to control the ball, look up and then make the pass.

The final work station was a shooting gallery set up to improve our goal scoring chances. The pupils counted how may goals they could score during the one minute period.

These three skills were then used during a friendly game situation. Mr Lee asked each student what they had done well, how they could improve, and which exercises would help to improve our game.

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