Year 10 Plan Cafe Trips as Part of Living Numbers

The Year 10 students are using their living numbers lessons to plan some future trips to cafes. The aim is to use our money skills in the local community and to feel confident in our conversations.

Our first session for this new topic was spent considering who buys different items on a weekly basis. The students were given a list of items such as sweets, council tax, toys, petrol and cinema tickets. They sorted out these items to show if adults or young people spend their money on these.

We then looked at identifying coins and notes. The were able to label a selection of coins from 1p through to £2. They also identified the value of a some pictures of £5, £10, £20 and £50 notes.

The next part of our planning will involve thinking about which cafes we can visit in the local area. Students will take it in turns to show their practical money handling skills in the community.

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