Year 10 Living Numbers Trip to Local Cafe

Year 10 are continuing with their Living Numbers maths work. Each Friday afternoon the students spend some time in the local community using their money skills.

Our first task is to plan the route to the place we are visiting. The pupils have been to local shops and cafes that are close to the school. We are reminded of the Lansdowne FRESH rules that help to keep us safe both in and outside of school.

A recent trip was to a local Stockwell Portuguese cafe. The class members spent some time looking at the menu and making their drink choices.

We had a strict budget to stick to. Mental maths skills were needed to make sure that we didn’t spend too much money.

Different students each week take the responsibility of ordering and paying for whatever we buy. There is a reminder from Lansdowne staff to speak politely and make good eye contact with the people serving us.

Living Numbers is a great way for the students to demonstrate their maths skills and spend some social time together in the local community.

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