Year 10 Celebrate National Tree Week in Assembly

A recent achievement assembly at Lansdowne School included presentations from two of the Year 10 classes. The assemblies were themed around National Tree Week.

Class 10EM and Class 10AG had both prepared a short video presentation. We started off by explaining why it is important to have National Tree Week. We looked at the history of the event going back to the emergence of Dutch Elm Disease in 1973. This led to the setting up of the Tree Council.

All class members had speaking parts. They researched and prepared their own presentation during guided reading time.

Our assembly concluded by looking at what we can do to help grow trees locally. We thought about planting trees if we have any garden space. Both Year 10 classes also looked at the trees outside of our school. We decorated one of these in celebration of National Tree Week.

Head of School Mr Juckes thanked both classes for such an interesting assembly. It was mentioned that the Year 13 students also get to experience the great outdoors as part of our weekly Forest School visits.

It was then time for the Stars of the Week to be recognised. We also had Kindness Awards in recognition of some of the individual acts from pupils throughout the week. These included being kind to staff, being polite, and helping out during guided reading. Class 8LT was awarded the Star Class of the Week trophy.

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